Blog : gen y

Urban lens: River’s Gen Y Brand Engagement study is here

Urban lens: River’s Gen Y Brand Engagement study is here

Gen Y or Gen Why?

The digital natives, the millenials, the so called professional consumers…..To some they are the tech-savvy, well educated and ambitious youngsters who have the power and appetite to influence and change the world – Others, however, describe a fickle, disrespectful and hyper-demanding generation who have never learned to wait, work hard for anything, yet demand continuous feedback.

Whatever you think, this generation will significantly influence the next decade – society, politics, culture and business – in a way that is comparable with the baby boomers. In fact, by 2025 they will be 75% of the global workforce. But are you taking GenY seriously enough? Is your marketing ready to face this savvy generation?

River Research Online GenY Community

We set-up a 3 week online research community to immerse into the world of 20-30 year olds in the UK – an opportunity to learn about the lives, loves, needs and behaviours of this unique generation and which brands are successfully building affinity.

Click here to view our very own Gen-Y info-graphic and watch the video below to learn more about this unique generation!


For more information and a ‘GenY Brand Review’ please contact

Look out for our GenY blog entries over the coming weeks!